What am I able to see with the Knowledge Dashboard?

What am I able to see with the Knowledge Dashboard?
The Knowledge Dashboard is your look into your Knowledge Library that will continue to expand the way in which you view and manage your company's knowledge as a team. You can Search your KL directly from the Dashboard or you can see the Knowledge List you are familiar with by pressing the View Knowledge Items at the top right of the screen. 

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  • Click into the "Search..." field
  • Type out the KL content you are looking for, and 
  • Press Enter/Return to see Knowledge List with your search criteria
Global Metrics:
  • Total Records links you over to your Knowledge library list
  • Awaiting Review takes you into your list view with the filter set to all of the items that you are set to review
Monthly Metrics: (past 30 days)
  • Updated, Created, Reviewed
Recently Added: (last 25 KL items added)
  • A peak into your Knowledge Library (KL) items list showing the 25 most recent
  • Each will link directly to the KL item to see further detail or to allow edits (for those with access)
  • Note the Filter options at the top right of the graph where you will be able to change your time range from the default of the Year view
Created & Updated: (Defaulted to the last year/12 months)
  • Created KL items are designated with the orange line and include any new KL items created from either a Proposal Response or directly from the Knowledge List or by going directly into the Create Knowledge Base Item page
  • Update KL items are designated with the blue line and will capture changes to already existing KB items
Content By:
  • Creator
  • Editor
  • Reviewer
  • Gives you an idea of where KL items are being focused for the members of your team:
Knowledge Reviews:
  • Recently Completed - After a flagged KL item has been the "Marked Review Complete"
  • Captures the amount of times that a KL item has been Edited (Times Edited) from the KL or Used (Times Used) in Proposals/Profiles
  • This will allow you to know which KL items to focus your efforts

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