- Click into the "Search..." field
- Type out the KL content you are looking for, and
- Press Enter/Return to see Knowledge List with your search criteria
- Total Records links you over to your Knowledge library list
- Awaiting Review takes you into your list view with the filter set to all of the items that you are set to review
- Updated, Created, Reviewed
- A peak into your Knowledge Library (KL) items list showing the 25 most recent
- Each will link directly to the KL item to see further detail or to allow edits (for those with access)
- Note the Filter options at the top right of the graph where you will be able to change your time range from the default of the Year view
- Created KL items are designated with the orange line and include any new KL items created from either a Proposal Response or directly from the Knowledge List or by going directly into the Create Knowledge Base Item page
- Update KL items are designated with the blue line and will capture changes to already existing KB items
- Creator
- Editor
- Reviewer
- Gives you an idea of where KL items are being focused for the members of your team:
- Recently Completed - After a flagged KL item has been the "Marked Review Complete"
- Captures the amount of times that a KL item has been Edited (Times Edited) from the KL or Used (Times Used) in Proposals/Profiles
- This will allow you to know which KL items to focus your efforts