If you received an email regarding an RFP (or RFI or Profile) in our RFP360 software, follow these steps to get started:
1. In the email, follow the prompts to the event landing page (i.e. Click "See RFP Details" or "See Profile Details"). The landing page tells you about the opportunity.
2. Log in to the system, or, if you've not yet set up your account, you'll be prompted to create your password and log in. Once on the home page, you will see a blue ribbon that tells you that you have an invitation awaiting further action. Click "View my Invitations" or click on the "Invitations" tab to view the RFP invitation.
3. Once on the Invitations page, click on the Proposal or Profile name. Next, click the yellow "Get Started" button on the upper right-hand side of the page to accept the invitation. Note: you must accept the invitation to begin working on the RFP or Profile.
4. Once you have accepted the invitation, you can begin working on your RFP responses under the "Proposals" ,"Profiles", or "Discoveries" tabs of the application. Note: if it is an RFP, it can be accessed under the "Proposals" tab, if it is an RFI/Profile, it can be accessed under the "Profiles" tab.
Ready to learn more? Click here to review the invited responder FAQ - quick, helpful content to help you become an RFP360 expert in no time.