By default, when you ask a question in RFP360 respondents can answer in free-form text. If you want to control what type of response they provide, you can create custom response options. Maybe you need them to respond only Yes, No, or NA to a question, or perhaps you need custom drop-downs for special functionality needs.
These response options are set up and controlled in your Library, available from the left-hand navigation (Library).
Your account should be configured with a standard true/false response list. You can create new response lists using the ‘New List’ button on the top right.
You can even assign scores to list values. So, if you force respondents to select from a drop-down list, the application will assign the proper default score to their response. When you review and evaluate their responses, you can override those defaults, but they help take some of the work off your scorers.
Each list will have a unique identifier code to use in the Excel template. To read more about the Excel template click here.
This is where you pick the list you want. You can allow multiple values (a checklist) or single values (a drop-down list). You can see a Preview of your setup directly below.
Note: When you publish your RFP, we make a snapshot of that list. So if you or a teammate edit the list in the Library, it will not impact the list options in your published RFP.