Account administrators can track users in their Accounts and view session history. This means you can see who logged in by day, time, and device.
To access the User Sessions page scroll to the left-side toolbar and click on the drop-down for Settings then select Accounts, finally select the Account you wish to configure. User Sessions will be available from the top toolbar that populates.
Then select the Account you wish to configure. User Sessions will be available from the top toolbar that populates.
On the User Sessions page you can Filter by any of the following:
- First Name/Last Name:
--Contains, ex: Cole
--Equals, ex: Johnson
--Begins with, ex: John
--Ends with, ex: son
--Is not, ex: Smith
- Logged In/Logged out:
--Is in the last [number] of days
--Is equal to [calendar date]
--Is before [calendar date]
--Is after [calendar date]
--Is between [calendar range]
You can sort A-Z or Z-A in the columns presented*:
| User | Login Time | Logout Time | Browser |
Please note that are additional options via the Company Account page:
Please note that are additional options via the Company Account page:
For example, did you know that you can also conform to your organization's security protocols by customizing your account’s number of failed login attempts allowed as well as the duration of the user’s lockout period?