How do I see tasks for other users?

If you are looking for tasks assigned to other users , there are a few ways to view them depending upon your end goal:
  1. If you are only concerned with a specific Proposal, you can filter down on tasks (questions) within the Proposal itself. Follow the link here to learn more about filtering within a proposal. 
  2. Additionally, you can navigate to the Tasks page located on the left side toolbar. Within the Tasks page, you'll see a wide variety of filtering options, from writer and approval tasks, to dates and statuses.
  3. Additionally, each of the columns: Question | Client | Writer | Approver; can sort either alphabetically or date in either ascending or descending order. 
It is important to note that the Filtering criteria are actually all AND statements, so if you are trying to pick up (for example) solely Approver related tasks, you will want to uncheck the boxes related to Writer and Writer Status to only search those particular criteria.

You are also able to Download the particular Filtered tasks by pressing the Download button on the top-right corner and it will come out in a task_export.xlsx workbook.

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