As you get started with RFP360, there are some important Account settings to review. The topics that will be covered include:
- Setting up sub-accounts and how to switch between accounts
- Verifying profile timezone to ensure proper delivery times of notifications
- Password security options
If your account is set to allow sub-accounts, partitions can exist to help keep content separated.
To switch between any created sub-accounts, simply click on the account name you are currently in, located in the upper left hand corner. A drop down will appear with both your parent and sub-accounts. Click on the account you would like to switch into.
To add a new sub-account, navigate to the Accounts tab located underneath Settings on the left side toolbar. "Add A Sub Account" is located in the upper right hand corner of the Accounts tab.
Lastly, give you sub-account a name:
Profile page
Under Accounts, one tab is the Profile page. This area provides general company information that may be updated at any time.
Do review the Timezone field to ensure it matches where your office is located, as it determines when email notifications and alerts are delivered from our system. A new time can always be selected from the dropdown:
Password security settings
If you're not using SSO and standard passwords, you may check out additional security settings available in RFP360 here.