Getting Started: Library Overview for Issuers

The RFP360 Library is a handy repository for you to create aspects of an RFP with ease.


In the Library the following options are available:



RFP Templates are groupings of Section Templates (think puzzle pieces) that piece together to form an RFP. What makes up a Template are Sections and Questions. 


Smaller pieces or individual sections that include most standard questions you can use in any combination to also build an RFP without having to recreate the wheel each time. 


A Question Response List is a list of responses for a vendor to select from when answering a question. More specifically those drop-down questions you need your vendor to answer.  

Lists can be anything from the simple 'Yes or No' response option to more complex offerings like "check all that apply" type answers. 

Example: A list named 'Time Frame' may have the options daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.  


A Question Response Table is an Excel-like structure to gather multiple pieces of information for a single question. You can build out custom rows and columns with specific answers to a series of questions, like pricing or fee schedules. 


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To learn more, review the following video:




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