How do I upload RFP questions from Word or a PDF?
RFP360 allows you to upload a new proposal directly from a Word document (.docx). If your original format is a PDF, we recommend converting to a .docx before importing.
To bring in your new import, start by creating a new proposal (Import RFP)
1. Navigate to the Proposals tab and click +.New Proposal in the upper right hand corner
2. Fill out Required Details such as proposal name, point of contact ect. You also must select the account in which you wish to create the proposal
*Best Practice: We recommend avoiding special characters in the proposal name or original document, as they can cause issues upon export. For example, use "and" instead of "&"
3. You may choose to fill out the Optional Details page if you wish. This includes questions like estimated timeline, product description ect.
4. Click the orange “Choose a Template” button to navigate to where you import your Word document
5. Choose the Import RFP option on the left of the page featuring the Word, PDF and Excel logos within the button.
4. Click the blue Word icon within the Import RFP button and navigate out to your saved Word document.
5. Finally, click on the orange Create your Proposal button at the bottom of the page to upload your Excel spreadsheet or workbook.
2. Fill out Required Details such as proposal name, point of contact ect. You also must select the account in which you wish to create the proposal
*Best Practice: We recommend avoiding special characters in the proposal name or original document, as they can cause issues upon export. For example, use "and" instead of "&"
3. You may choose to fill out the Optional Details page if you wish. This includes questions like estimated timeline, product description ect.
4. Click the orange “Choose a Template” button to navigate to where you import your Word document
5. Choose the Import RFP option on the left of the page featuring the Word, PDF and Excel logos within the button.
4. Click the blue Word icon within the Import RFP button and navigate out to your saved Word document.
5. Finally, click on the orange Create your Proposal button at the bottom of the page to upload your Excel spreadsheet or workbook.
On the Import page, there is a Legend that will help guide you through the import process:
Protip: We encourage following the order of the Legend by identifying the Sections, followed by the Questions, and lastly any merged questions.
Click the Sections button and start identifying sections by right-clicking the appropriate text:
Next, click the Questions button and do the same as with Sections by right-clicking:
Merged Questions
Identify the questions that should be under an umbrella question. Hover over the Q icon and choose the Merge Up option:
What do I do if I need to make a change to a selection?
Any selection may be removed by hovering over the icon to the left and clicking the Remove option that appears:
After importing, we recommend doing a "Practice Export" to insure your document exports without any issues. Follow this link to learn how to export your proposal.