I need to add attachments to my responses. Where can I do that?

Excel spreadsheets for pricing, Images and company logos, PDFs of organizational charts and required forms - all items that are asked for frequently when responding to a Proposal. 

RFP360 makes it easy to not only do some simple formatting in our Text Editor, but there are lots of ways to attach documents/images or link content to a response.

FYI, the following screenshots and possibilities are only an option with our full-Text Editor. They are NOT available with the Comments field for drop-down type responses.  That field only accommodates simple typed text entries. 

1 help .png

Click to respond to your question and the Text Editor will open.  Atop the Text Editor are various icons, including those for formatting, adding bulleted lists, images inline, YouTube/Vimeo videos inline, attaching files, and so on. 

Save and Complete and your attachment will become part of your Export. 

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