Changes to sections and questions are possible after you have Published your RFP/Profile... don't you worry.
You may have Published an RFP/Profile but have:
Just noticed that a question happens to have a typo or need to make clarifications to a question or section overview
Add a question to get more information that pertains to a section that has already been created
Change the response type from one response to another or the specific options of each:
Text/Choose from a List/Complete a Table/Date/File Attachment/Number/Scale
You need to delete a question that is no longer relevant
You want to make a Section Optional for your vendors vs. requiring them to input a bunch of "Not Applicable" wasting their time and yours
To update a Profile out to vendors to stay up-to-date with any changes that may be prevalent to this quarter or year
Need to move a question from one section to another (see additional help article)
To clarify what you will experience, we use the term addendum to cover all of the areas mentioned above. The similar functionality of adding an addendum/addenda to the end of the RFP/Profile is still intact and working as it has in the past. For more information on an outright addendum check out: How do I add an addendum?
Edit button
To make a change to a section and the contents within (questions), open your RFP Outline from your RFP or Profile Dashboard, then press on the Edit button on the top right of the section that you wish to do so in:
Pulling the RFP "offline"
When an edit is underway, you will notice that any number label next to the section titles in the section panel to the left will show as a dark red. Whenever these sections are being edited and have not yet been published... vendors on the other side will not see this section or any others that are edited. They are pulled offline to obtain the changes as your team deems necessary.
**Important Note ** If you happen to pull a particular section offline that happens to have sub sections... then those sub sections will also be offline until you have approved the change.
Option to Notify
When you complete your changes we suggest to Notify Respondents of the change and to include the reason for the changes that were made. This notification will occur immediately via email and be indicated on their Dashboard. If vendors happen to have already submit their Proposal... or are nearing completion... then it will likely be best to notify them so that they can be aware of the change.
All Points of Contacts (POCs) who are listed as Working will be notified. POCs who haven't started on the questions or were deleted from the process will not be notified.
For awareness, know that when these changes have been made that you vendors have resubmit their Proposals (if they have been submitted) and will have to accept each of the sections affected by the changes that you have made to the RFP/Profile.
Approve Sub Sections
Just a reminder that sub sections are pulled and will be approved by default when you approve the edits: adds, deletes, and changes. This occurs when you press the Approve Addendum button.
Although this atypical addendum process... we just use the same lingo at this time as to express additions, deletions and changes.
Profiles will likely experience this more often than RFPs
Now, we do expect that Profiles are more often the ones that will be the ones to see changes over time due to the nature of Profiles being out there for potentially an indefinite time to collect your most often questions/answers.