Best Practices: Searching for Content in the Knowledge Library

How do I search for content in the knowledge library? 

The ability to easily find relevant content is key to making the most of your knowledge library. You can search using the Boolean Search, filters, or a combination of both in order to search for specific content. 

Follow the steps below or watch this short 2 minute video:


The Boolean search allows users to search for key words within their knowledge library.

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You also have the ability to use Boolean search operators to narrow down content even more.

  • Utilize AND to include two search terms.
  • Utilize OR to broaden your search with multiple terms.
  • Utilize NOT to exclude a specific term.
  • To obtain an exact phrase, utilize quotes. For example, “Company Information”.

Follow this help article if you would like to go into more detail on how to fully utilize the boolean search. 


In addition to searching for key words/phrases in the Boolean search, you can utilize Filters to narrow down your content.

See the descriptions of each filter below or watch this 7 minute video:

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Tags: Filter by content by tag(s) or no tags. This is the most common filter utilize as many clients use tags like folders.

Proposal/Profile: This filter allows you to see content that has been previously used in a proposal or profile within RFP360. Perhaps you lost an RFP and you want to review the knowledge records you utilized within the proposal. Narrowing content by the specific proposal is a great way to review records.

Review Date: This filter allows you to search for content that has a specific review date. Use this option to search for content that is pass review or recently reviewed for instance.

Reviewer: Search for content by the designated review. You can also search for content that has NO reviewer. This is a good option if you want to find content that has no set reviewer and ensure there is a review cycle moving forward.

Review State: Filter by content that either is flagged for review or not flagged for review in order to ensure records are up-to-date.

Created Date: Use this filter to narrow down content that was created during a specific time or time period. This is a great option for managing outdated content over time.

Modified Date: This filter narrows down content that has last been modified on a specific date or range. Again, this is a great option for managing library content since you can filter by records that haven’t been modified recently and review them for accuracy/relevancy.

Times Used: This filter indicates how many times a KL record has been used within a proposal. Use this filter to narrow down records your team uses frequently OR not at all.

Times Edited: This filter can be used to narrow down content based on how many times it has been edited. Perhaps you want to find content that has been heavily edited OR content that hasn’t been edited at all in order to check for accuracy.

Created By: This filter can be used to search for content that was added to the knowledge library by a user.

Last Modified By: This filter can be used to narrow down records based on what user last modified it.

Accounts: This filter is a good option if you want to narrow down the content you see to either the parent account or sub-accounts.

Boolean Search & Filters

Feel free to search using both the Boolean search and filter(s). See the example below.

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