Cleaner user interface and overall a better Copy/Paste experience with the ability to clean up formatted text from Word/Excel.
- Font Size
- Font Color*
- Background Color*
- Paragraph - Heading 4
- Justified Alignment
- Indent [Increase/Decrease]
Check out our Help Article: Adding images, attachments, tables & more with the new text editor.
- Images:
Replace, Align, Remove, Insert Link, Display, Style, Alternate Text, Change Size - Videos:
Replace, Remove, Display, Align, Change Size - Tables:
Table Header, Remove Table, Insert or Delete Row/Column, Table Style, Merge/Split Cells, Cell Background, Vertical/Horizontal Align, Cell Style
At the start of each return or line break, a "+" Quick Insert option will appear to the left of the Text Field.
Once you press the "+" you will be presented with these quick insert options:
Insert an Image, Video, Table, Unordered/Ordered List or a Line.
All of these are now possible without scrolling back up to the Text Editor toolbar.
Insert an Image, Video, Table, Unordered/Ordered List or a Line.
All of these are now possible without scrolling back up to the Text Editor toolbar.
- Special Characters:
Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Punctuation, Currency, Arrows, Math, & Misc. - Select All
- Clear Formatting
- Character Count on the bottom right
- Updated with a cleaner look that has numbered lines, colors, and a white background.