The concept of Team Members is a bit different from users within your company account and from the Ask an Expert feature.
Team Members are individuals who are active RFP360 users. You are able to add a team member to a proposal, profile, or discovery where you would like to receive their input via read/write access or read-only access. This is best utilized by large organizations - or - companies that are contracted out by a firm.
To access your team members page go to a specific proposal, profile, or discovery dashboard to access team members in the project details widget at the top left. You will see TEAM MEMBERS which should, by default, include the Project's POC, any writers, and approvers in a badge with the user's initials in the blue-green color and the additional team members added outside of the company account in a yellow-orange colored badge. If you hover over the badge(s), it will reveal the full name of said individual.
Click on the TEAM MEMBERS to reveal a team member panel of the project team. Here you can see the Add User field to include an exact user email address. Select the name and they will be populated down below.
- *Read-Only, NO = AKA, Read/Write Access granted. *This is the default* when Team Members are added. This is similar to Manager-level access but only to this specific Project
- Read Only, YES = Contributor Access to this specific Project with the ability to see the contents of the Proposal Outline
If you have included the wrong team member, or if you would like to revoke access to the project, you can do so by pressing the delete trashcan icon for that individual.
Team Member limitations:
- Read-only is set by default but the toggle starts on NO. So you explicitly toggle it from YES and back to NO for it to be NO.
- If a user has been allowed assigned projects access we will not show then the project in the list view. You can however access the project from the email that you were sent.