How do I create and edit access roles?

How do I create and edit access roles?

Our permission model empowers you to create custom access roles or use our default system roles (contributor, manager and administrator) — giving you complete control of who can access what. For each role, you can easily manage access to granular tasks and objects within RFP360 with our various permission rights.

While the default roles meet the needs of many customers, role customization is a powerful tool for administrators that encounter new, changing or complex RFx requirements. A common example is inviting internal or external stakeholders into RFP360 to score RFPs.

With our permission model, you’re able to create a role that can only score an RFP, which makes sure that those users can’t view, access or edit things they shouldn’t. 

Creating and editing roles:

If you want to create or edit access roles, you must have user management privileges. (The user management role is given to the administrator role by default.)

When setting up a role, you’ll see three possible options — Yes, No and My. Yes means that the user has access to all, No means the user has access to none, and My means that they can see just their assigned items. You can assign users to a role during user creation, from the Manage Users screen, and by bulk while managing an individual access role.

To create a new role, complete the following steps:

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Roles.

  2. Click Create Role on the roles listing page.

  3. Enter a Role Name.

  4. Select the needed rights for the role.

  5. Click Save Role.

To edit an existing role, complete the following steps:

  1. From the menu, select Settings > Roles.

  2. Select the role you want to edit from the roles listing page.

  3. Make the needed to changes to the role.

  4. Click Edit Role to save it.

Optional fields when creating or editing a role:

The Default toggle can only be turned on for a single role. New users will be set to this role by default unless otherwise changed by the creator.

NOTE: The Add Users list is a way to bulk add users to a role. Users with tasks cannot be moved until all tasks are reassigned or completed.

Project teams:

To be considered assigned to the project and qualify for access via a My permission, a user must be a point of contact, writer, approver, scorer or a team member. A team member is a user without an explicit role in the project, but can be added by navigating to the project Details pane on the project dashboard.

User project assignments:

User assignments in a project will require that the user has the associated right for that particular assignment. For example, the Write Questions permission is required for a user to be selectable when assigning writers. Additionally, to be selectable as a project point of contact, the following minimum permissions are required: View Project, Edit Project, Assign Writers and Approvers, Write Questions, Approve Questions, Invite Vendors, Assign/Remove Scorers, Score Projects, Advance Project Stages, Send Internal Messages and Send Vendor Messages.

List of Access Rights:

  • Project:

    • View Projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Create Projects (Yes/No)

    • Edit Projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Delete Projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Writing

      • Assign Writers and Approvers (Yes/No/My)

      • Write Questions (Yes/No/My)

      • Approve Questions (Yes/No/My)

    • Vendors

      • Invite Vendors (Yes/No/My)

    • Scoring

      • Assign/Remove Scorers (Yes/No/My)

      • Score RFP (Yes/No/My)

      • View Scoring Results (Yes/No/My)

    • Project Stages

      • Advance Project Stages (Yes/No/My)

  • Export

    • Create Project Exports (Yes/No/My)

    • View Project Exports (Yes/No/My)

  • Messaging

    • Send Internal Messages (Yes/No/My)

    • Send Vendor Messages (Yes/No/My)

  • Vendors

    • Create Vendors (Yes/No)

    • View Vendors (Yes/No)

    • Edit Vendors (Yes/No)

    • Delete Vendors (Yes/No)

  • Clients

    • Create Clients (Yes/No)

    • View Clients (Yes/No)

    • Edit Clients (Yes/No)

    • Delete Clients (Yes/No)

  • Template Library

    • Create Library Objects (Yes/No)

    • View Library Objects (Yes/No)

    • Edit Library Objects (Yes/No)

    • Delete Library Objects (Yes/No)

  • Reporting

    • Generate Consolidated Reports (Yes/No)

  • Organization

    • Manage Accounts (Yes/No)

    • User Management (Yes/No)

    • Access Role Management (Yes/No)

    • Create Tags (Yes/No)

Settings for rights:

  • Yes - Access to All

  • No - Access to None

  • My - Access to Project that User Is Assigned to

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