The RFP internal comments feature enables you and your team to send messages and comments to each other while writing an RFP, so you can:
Leave messages on questions
Send messages to team members by @ mentioning them
Receive an email when you’re @ mentioned
- Track conversation history
Sending Messages
Navigate to an RFP in the writing stage
Select a question
Navigate to the Details pane
Click the Messages tab
Write a message in the text box
Click Submit
Sending messages to team members
Navigate to an RFP in the writing stage
Select a question
Navigate to the Details pane
Click the Messages tab
In the messages text box, enter “@” followed by the user whom you’d like to send the message to and click the user’s name
A user needs to have access to the RFP to access the message
Mentioned users will receive an email notification
Click Submit
View message history
Navigate to an RFP in the writing stage
Select a question
Navigate to the Details pane
Click the Messages tab
The following historical information is displayed:
Message history
Question edits