RFP360 Custom Access Roles FAQ

Before the release of our new permission model for RFP360 access roles, we want to give you an inside look at this new approach and answer some key questions you might have. Just a note, development is still ongoing, so minor details may change.

Question: What is the new RFP360 permission model?

Answer: We currently have three different roles in RFP360 — Manager, Contributor and Administrator. These roles come with an inherent set of rights that have limited configuration. The new permission model will shift RFP360 to a more traditional roles and permission model where access rights are assigned to a role. Users will then be assigned to a role and inherit the rights associated with the role. 

Question: Why a new permission model?

Answer: Every organization has unique access needs. The addition of customizable roles gives you control of who can access what. A common example that we hear is that organizations need to invite internal or external stakeholders into RFP360 to score RFPs. With our new model, you’re able to create a role that can only score an RFP, which makes sure that those users can’t view, access or edit things they shouldn’t. 

Question: Which access rights can I control?

Answer: The full list of rights is listed below. When setting up a role, you’ll see three possible options — Yes, No and My. Yes means that the user has access to all, No means the user has access to none, and My means that they can see just their assigned items. 


  • Project:

    • Create projects (Yes/No)

    • View projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Edit projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Delete projects (Yes/No/My)

    • Writing

      • Assign writers and approvers (Yes/No/My)

      • Write questions (Yes/No/My)

      • Approve questions (Yes/No/My)

    • Vendors

      • Invite vendors (Yes/No/My)

    • Scoring

      • Assign/remove scorers (Yes/No/My)

      • Score RFP (Yes/No/My)

      • View scoring results (Yes/No/My)

    • Project Stages

      • Advance Project Stages (Yes/No/My)

  • Export

    • Create project exports (Yes/No/My)

    • View project exports (Yes/No/My)

  • Messaging

    • Send internal messages (Yes/No/My)

    • Send vendor messages (Yes/No/My)

  • Vendors

    • Create vendors (Yes/No)

    • View vendors (Yes/No)

    • Edit Vendors (Yes/No)

    • Delete Vendors (Yes/No)

  • Clients

    • Create Clients (Yes/No)

    • View Clients (Yes/No)

    • Edit Clients (Yes/No)

    • Delete Clients (Yes/No)

  • Template Library

    • Create library objects (Yes/No)

    • View library objects (Yes/No)

    • Edit library objects (Yes/No)

    • Delete library objects (Yes/No)

  • Reporting

    • Generate consolidated reports (Yes/No)

  • Organization

    • Manage accounts (Yes/No)

    • User Management (Yes/No)

    • Access Role Management (Yes/No)

    • Create Tags (Yes/No)

Settings for rights:

  • Yes - Access to all

  • No - Access to none

  • My - Access to project that user is assigned to

Question: How do I create or edit a role? 

Answer: A new administrative page for managing roles will be added to your settings. There you can manage existing roles, create new roles, and see which users are assigned to a given role. The Administrator role will have access to this role by default, but the Role Management right can be assigned to any user.

Question: What happens to my users when this is released? 

Answer: The current out-of-the-box roles, Contributor, Manager, and Administrator, will be maintained and migrated to the new model. If a user is a contributor role today, then they will still be a contributor role after this is finished. When setting up Manager or Contributor today, there is option to give access to all projects or just assigned projects. Managers and contributors going forward will only be able to access projects that they are team member of.  A custom role can be created to accommodate your exact access needs.



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