To make managing knowledge library content easier and more efficient, RFP360 has created an inline editor that allows you to update existing knowledge records from within the proposal outline. This means that you can now update knowledge content without ever leaving the proposal outline!
To access the feature, you will need to be administrators, managers, or contributors that are the point of contact for a proposal.
The “Update Knowledge” button becomes available for use once a question reaches a “Pending Approval” or “Approved” status.
Once you click the “Update Knowledge” button, a modal pops up that shows you 4 actions that they can take on the proposal response. We also give you the option of showing or hiding a visualization that demonstrates the changes that will be made based on their selection.
Add the proposal question to the existing knowledge record AND update the response.
2. Update the existing knowledge response, but don’t add the proposal question to the record.
3. Add the proposal question to the existing knowledge record, but keep the original answer.
4. Create a net new knowledge library record with only the proposal question and answer.
Once you have made a selection, you will click “Update Library and Close,” which will trigger the change in the Knowledge Library.