How do I Set Up a Salesforce Integration?
If you have recently added the Salesforce integration to your annual subscription plan with us, here are the integration instructions to pass on to your Salesforce Administrator.
Configuring Salesforce with RFP360:
This article describes the procedures to configure an integration between Salesforce and RFP360.
Note: Salesforce integration is an optional and additional feature for an account. If you are interested, please contact support so we can coordinate with your sales account team.
The steps required to configure a Salesforce account
- If you don't have an account already, you'll need to have both a Salesforce CRM account and an RFP360 account.
- Contact your RFP360 account support team member to enable Salesforce in your account (additional fees may apply).
- Obtain an RFP360 Account ID, for use in Salesforce. This is a 36 character code
- Follow the instructions below to configure Salesforce using the Account ID provided by your RFP360 account team member.
Build a new Visualforce Page
As a Salesforce Admin, navigate to Setup - Build - Develop - Visualforce Pages
Then create a new Visualforce page
Configure the Visualforce Page (Labels are suggestions. Any valid name can be used)
- Label: RFP360_Opportunity_Container
- Name: RFP360_Opportunity_Container
- Description: Adds a section to the Opportunity record that will show RFP360 Proposal progress
The code to paste in the Visualforce Markup editor is:
src="{!$Api.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_380}&salesforceOpportunityId={!opportunity.Id}&accountID=[Salesforce Account Id]&" scrolling="True"/
Where the [Salesforce Account Id] is the RFP360 provided a unique identifier.
Ensure the Version on the Version Settings tab is set to 38.0...and click Save.
Navigate to the Opportunity Page Layout(s) page
Edit the appropriate Page Layout
Drag a new 1-Column Section to the page, wherever you feel appropriate
Configure the Section Properties with a name. The checkbox for Detail Page should be checked, and the layout is 1-column.
Drag the RFP360_Opportunity Page Visualforce Page you created earlier into the RFP360 Section you just created.
Edit the Visualforce Page Properties to allow more visual space and to allow scrolling.
Set the width and height for proper viewing.
Make sure to Click the Save button on the layout!
Then, navigate to an Opportunity and you should see the Integration!